So I'm back!
The more I think about my projecty crisis, the less crisisy it seems. It's merely a lot of thinking and sorting that hurts my brain. So let me explain where I stand right now. As far as analysis between different styles of dance go, I'm golden. I have plenty of material and grasp to present the differences between Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, and Mohiniattam. But it all gets a bit confusing when I hit the analysis of various styles within Bharatanatyam. So when I asked all the experts during the interviews, one of the responses I got was quite shocking. "Defined schools of style do not exist."
Down crashing comes my mindset and the organization system I had. So now I'm exploring the two viewpoints: the traditional view of schools of style, and the non-style viewpoint.
The more I think about my projecty crisis, the less crisisy it seems. It's merely a lot of thinking and sorting that hurts my brain. So let me explain where I stand right now. As far as analysis between different styles of dance go, I'm golden. I have plenty of material and grasp to present the differences between Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, and Mohiniattam. But it all gets a bit confusing when I hit the analysis of various styles within Bharatanatyam. So when I asked all the experts during the interviews, one of the responses I got was quite shocking. "Defined schools of style do not exist."
Down crashing comes my mindset and the organization system I had. So now I'm exploring the two viewpoints: the traditional view of schools of style, and the non-style viewpoint.
Exploring the two different viewpoints sounds like a good solution